System Variable: Last Loading Error
Variable: LastLoadingError
The LastLoadingError variable shows users the last loading error message.
LastLoadingError resets whenever a new loading action is triggered via automation.
Attributes | Attributes Value | Value Description |
KeepAlive | True / False | If KeepAlive is not set, error dialogs (on module opening, load more, etc..) are automatically closed. |
Detailed Description
In case of error, this shows this dialog:
whereas the following script would have shown that dialog:
<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
<SelectedShowDriveItemsUsers NewFrame="True" KeeAlive="True"/>
Note that {%LastLoadingError%} only contains the message part of the regular error dialog.
Example Script
<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
<SelectedShowDriveItemsUsers NewFrame="True">
<If target="var" test="{%LastLoadingError%}" mode="notequals" value="">
<MsgBox Title="Error" Type="Error" Message="{%LastLoadingError%}"/>