eIn every flexYgrid panel, the overall grid configuration is an important aspect of how your data is organized and thus interpreted. Because each flexYgrid panel is independent, you can configure each one individually.
Global Grid Visibility Options
The following visibility preferences are available for each grid panel:
'Show/Hide Grid Status Bar': You can toggle the Grid Status Bar between Hidden and Shown states using its toolbar buttonor context menu option, as well as usingCtrl+Shift+F2. The Grid Status bar appears at the bottom of the corresponding flexYgrid panel, and will display counts of loaded rows, displayed rows, hidden rows, and selected rows. An additional setting exists to show or hide these counts if they have a value of 0.
'Hide Grid's Group Zone and Toolbar': You can hide the group zone and the flexYgrid toolbar using the context menu option context menu option 'Hide Grid's Group Zone and Toolbar' as well as by usingCtrl+Shift+J.
When using this option, both the toolbar and group zone will be hidden. There is no way to hide one and not the other. When the group zone is hidden, drag-and-drop grouping is not possible. However, grouping can still be performed and controlled through theGrid Manager.
This toolbar and group zone state will be saved as part of the larger Grid Configuration.
'Hide Selected Column': Selecting this context menu option, found in the Grid Tools & Options submenu, will hide the column currently in focus. A column can be "hidden" using either this context menu option,Ctrl+F6, or by dragging the column into the trash bin in the group zone.
'Restore last hidden column': Selecting this context menu option, found in the Grid Tools & Options submenu, will bring the last column that was hidden back to its position in the grid.
Columns that have been removed from the grid using the Grid Manager's'Is Visible'checkbox cannot be restored using the 'Restore last hidden column' option.
Column visibility and position will be saved as part of the larger Grid Configuration.
'Add Annotation Column': This function lets you add a completely new, modifiable column to a grid. You can select this option by clicking the corresponding toolbar button, by usingCtrl+B, or through the corresponding context menu option, found in the 'Grid Tools & Options' submenu.
Almost every aspect of the look and organization of the grid itself—including all results achieved from using the options above—to computed options such as the group total calculation methods, can be set, saved, and recalled for each panel.
Data inDynamic Columnscan be affected when loading or reverting grid configurations.
There are options related to saving, recalling, and resetting a configuration of an individual panel:
'Grid Configuration: Save current grid configuration to file': This option will save the current grid configuration to a file. You will be allowed to specify a file name and file path. You can activate this option using its toolbar button, or by its context menu option located in the 'Grid Tools & Options' > 'Grid Configuration: Save, Load, Restore…' submenu.
'Grid Configuration: Save current grid configuration as default': This option will set the current grid configuration as the default, and will only be active if the configuration has been modified from the default settings. You can activate this option using its toolbar button, by its context menu option located in the 'Grid Tools & Options' > 'Grid Configuration: Save, Load, Restore…' submenu, or by usingCtrl+F8.
'Grid Configuration: Load from File…': This option will load a previously saved configuration from a file. You can activate this option using its toolbar button, by its context menu option located in the 'Grid Tools & Options' > 'Grid Configuration: Save, Load, Restore…' menu.
'Grid Configuration: Revert to your Default Configuration Settings': This option will return the current grid configuration to the previously saved default settings and will only be active if the configuration has been modified from the default settings. You can activate this option using its toolbar button, by its context menu option located in the 'Grid Tools & Options' > 'Grid Configuration: Save, Load, Restore…' submenu, or by usingCtrl+Shift+F8.
'Grid Configuration: Revert to Original Ytria Layout': This option will return the current grid configuration to the original, "factory set" configuration. You can activate this option using its toolbar button, by its context menu option located in the 'Grid Tools & Options' > 'Grid Configuration: Save, Load, Restore…' submenu, or by usingCtrl+Shift+F5.
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