Although each flexYgrid panel is independent, all share the same, standard mechanics to navigate within the grid itself. It is important to recognize the specifics of these mechanics when working with data in the grid.
Basic Grid Navigation
Whenever the entirety of grid data is not visible all at once, scroll bars will appear at the bottom and right-hand side of the grid.
The scroll bars work in the standard manner: drag the bar or click the arrows to move the visible area of the grid.
Column Focus
Clicking on an entry within the grid will highlight the row that you click, but it will also set the column focus to the column in which you click; this focus will be indicated by a highlighted column header. Focus can be changed either by clicking elsewhere in the grid or by using the [LEFT/RIGHT] arrow keys to move across the columns one by one.
In screenshot above, the column focus is placed on the column Is a Database Link.
Column focus can also be changed by double clicking in a column name in the Grid Manager. The current column focus is reflected as shown below.
Clicking on a column header will not place the column into focus, but will instead sort the grid data by the clicked column.
For added column visibility, you can engage the option 'Highlight Current Column' by clicking its toolbar button, it context menu option found in the 'Grid Tools & Options > Grid Options' submenu (shown below).
With this option engaged, the column in focus will be highlighted in its entirety as opposed to just the column header.
Row Selection
Default Cursor Mechanics:
To select a rowin the grid, click the desired row. Clicking a different row will shift the selection to the newly clicked row
To unselect a row, click a selected row again while holding downCtrl.
To add rows to your selection, hold downCtrlwhile clicking the desired additional rows. HoldShiftwhile clicking to select a range of visible rows.
Select all visible rows at once by clicking the 'Select All' toolbar button, the corresponding context menu option located in the 'Grid Tools & Options' sub menu, or by usingCtrl+A.
Rows that are in collapsed categories cannot be selected. See this page for more information aboutgroupings and categories.
Row selection can also be made using the↑+↓arrow keys to move the cursor holding downCtrl.
Special "Detached" Cursor Mechanics:
By default, the highlighted row corresponds to the position of the cursor. The cursor can be "detached" to move independently from the highlighted selection by clicking this toolbar button , the corresponding context menu option located in the 'Grid Tools & Options' submenu, or by usingCtrl+F2.
With the cursor "detached," rows can be selected by holding downShiftand moving the cursor with the↑+↓arrows. In this manner, new rows will be selected as the cursor arrives on the entry. The cursor can also be moved to a new location on the grid while keeping the current row selection.
While the cursor is "detached" from the highlighted selection, clicking on new entries with the mouse cursor will add rows to the current selection. Clicking selected entries will remove them.
Special Grid Navigation Functions
Grid Column Freeze
A standard feature in popular spreadsheets is the ability to "freeze" certain parts of the working area to tailor the visibility to your needs; flexYgrid panels also offer this ability.
There are two different ways to access this feature:
'Freeze up to []': Clicking this toolbar button, its corresponding context menu option found in the 'Grid Tools & Options' submenu, or using the key commandCtrl+F4will freeze the grid up to (but not including) the currently focused column.
'Freeze Columns…': Clicking this toolbar button, its corresponding context menu option found in the 'Grid Tools & Options' submenu, or usingF4will open a dialog where you can set which columns to freeze.
As in the screenshot above, the dropdown menu will show the column currently in focus, as well as the amount of columns currently frozen. You may select any one of the valid columns from the dropdown menu. Clicking 'OK' will freeze up to (but not including) the selected column.
Clicking 'Cancel' will close the dialog; nothing will be frozen.
Columns can be unfrozen all at once by clicking the 'Unfreeze' toolbar buttonor context menu option found in the 'Grid Tools & Options' submenu.
At any time, the choice of frozen columns can be changed simply be selecting the new freeze configuration.
Category Navigation
When grid data isgroupedby columns, category headers are shown in the grid.
In addition to simply clicking on the headers with the mouse cursor to select them, you can also cycle through category headers at the same level using the two category navigation toolbar buttons:
'Go to previous header on the same level' can be activated by clicking its toolbar button, its corresponding context menu option, or by usingAlt+↑.
'Go to next header on the same level' can be activated by clicking its toolbar button, its corresponding context menu option, or by usingAlt+↓.
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