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Ytria designer widget (DDE intergration)

Beginning with the version 10 releases, Ytria tools support integration with Domino Designer version 8.5 or higher (also referred to as Domino Designer on Eclipse or DDE) through the use of the Ytria Designer Widget.

Installing the Ytria Designer Widget

To install this widget, please visit the this Web page: Get the Ytria Designer Widget and follow the simple instructions on the page.


The My Widgets panel after the Ytria Designer widget (and the Ytria Launcher widget) have been installed

Taking advantage of DDE integration

With the Ytria Designer Widget installed, you can access Ytria tools via a right-click menu in Domino Designer (and also a Ytria pull-down menu). Just select one-or-more design elements and applicable Ytria tools will appear contextually when you right-click one-or-more design elements.


This contextual menu appears when right-clicking design elements once the Ytria Designer Widget has been installed.

Product specific Domino Designer (DDE) integration

DDE integration works a bit differently for each of the Ytria tools. The section below highlights product-specific features.

scanEZ DDE Integration options

Open: You can right click a selection of design elements and open them in scanEZ.
Post Replication Auditor: Launch the Post Replication Auditor tool directly from Domino Designer
Replication Auditor: Launch the Post Replication Auditor tool directly from Domino Designer
Notes.ini Editor: Direct access to the Note.ini editor tool. This option only appears in the Ytria pull-down menu.


aclEZ DDE Integration

Open: Access the aclEZ directly from Domino Designer with the databases associated with selected design elements automatically loaded in the ACL Entries grid.


agentEZ DDE Integration

Open: Access the agentEZ directly from Domino Designer with the selected agents automatically loaded in the main grid.


signEZ DDE Integration

Open: Access signEZ directly from Domino Designer. Only the selected subset of design elements will be loaded initially (which makes opening signEZ in this manner a great choice for those occasions where you only need to sign or audit certain designs in a database--it can be significantly faster).

Sign with another ID: Sign any currently selected designs with another ID.


viewEZ DDE Integration

Open: Access viewEZ directly from Domino Designer. Only the selected subset of design elements will be loaded initially.
Open Columns: This option will launch viewEZ and take you directly to the columns dialog (which allows you to see and edit view and folder columns). Only the selected subset of views and/or folders will be loaded initially.
Open Views: This option will launch viewEZ and take you directly to the Views dialog (for mass editing view or folder properties). Only the selected subset of views and/or folders will be loaded initially.


actionBarEZ DDE Integration

Open: Access actionBarEZ directly from Domino Designer. Only the selected subset of design elements will be loaded initially.
Open Actions: This option will launch actionBarEZ and take you directly to the Actions dialog (which allows you to see and manage actions in a table interface). Only the selected subset of design elements will be loaded initially.
Open Action Bars: This option will launch actionBarEZ and take you directly to the Action Bars dialog (for mass editing Action Bar properties). Only the selected subset of design elements will be loaded initially.


designPropEZ DDE Integration

Open: Access designPropEZ directly from Domino Designer. Only the selected subset of design elements will be loaded initially.
Audit: This option will launch DesignPropEZ and automatically audit the status of design source property flags for the selected design elements.


Get more out of Ytria's Designer Widget by using the Eclipse navigator

The Ytria Designer Widget is even more useful if you make use of the Eclipse-based Navigator panel in Domino Designer 8.5.x as it allows for non-contiguous selections of design elements across databases.
If you haven't yet tried the navigator in your Designer client, we urge you to do so. Here's how:

1) Go to your Domino Designer and click Window>Show Eclipse Views>Other...


2) In the resulting Show View dialog, type 'navigator' in the search box to narrow down the long list then choose the Navigator under the General category and click OK. And that's all there is to it. The Navigator tab should now be available.


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