Licenses and Services

This view is a summary of all purchased licenses and their consumption information, and service plan information for each license.
The default view here only includes license information. Collapse these level 1 entries with (Shift -) to hide the service plan entries.
To see the service plans, change to the view “Service Plans”.
Here, you can open a link to the purchasing segment of the admin portal to purchase new Microsoft 365 licenses or you can associate a cost to each of your licenses.

Set a unit cost for a license
Once you set an amount here, it will be updated in all other views where licensing information is present.
Ex. In Users, Groups, Usage reports as additional info.
Select the licenses for which you wish to set a cost, and click on “Set Unit Cost”.
Click on the pencil icon and enter an amount, and click OK.

TIP: Create a report on licensing consumption costs per department (or any other property).
Go to Users and group users by the “Department” column.
Click on any cell in the “Unit Cost” column, and go to “Grouping” tab in the ribbon.
Go to “Totals” and click on Sum.
Collapse all with (Shift - ) and export the report.