The Output Panel in agentEZ
The Output Panel
The Output Panel in agentEZ is used for reporting the errors and recording the events encountered by the application: e.g. access errors, the number of databases read, etc.
This panel supports docking.
Click on the Output tab to display the Output Panel.
You can specify how 'chatty' the Output panel should be through the choices under Options > Output Level
- Error Only: Displays any errors plus the amount of time it took to retrieve agent data.
- Error and Empty Database Only: All the information from Error Only, plus warning messages when no agents are present in a database. These warnings will appear with the message: 'No agent available in the database'.
- Full Output: This will display errors; messages telling you if no agents are in a database, plus a message telling you how many agents were found on a database where applicable.
Menu Options (Right-Click)
- Clear: Clears the Output Panel.
- Save Databases with Errors to XML Selection File: If the Output panel contains any databases with errors, you may export a list of them in XML file format. You can then load this XML file by selecting Server > Load Saved Selection and analyze possible problems encountered on those databases. If there are no errors this function will be grayed out.
TIP | You can manually select the information in the Output Panel (Ctrl + A to select All) and Copy/Paste it (Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V) into any spreadsheet or text editor. |