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Copy Items

Tag: CopyItems

The CopyItems action will emulate the selection of the Copy button found in the Diff/Values panel of scanEZ. Applicable SetParam child actions let you specify the items to copy.

SetParam Options

Field NameCompatible Field ValuesValue Description
SourceUser definableSource field (item) names. Separate multiple field names with a semicolon - Required
TargetUser definableThe names for the target fields - Required: The names given here will correspond to fields in the same placement in the source list.
NoTrimTrue / FalseThe state of the Advanced option checkbox.

Example Scripts

	<SetParam field="Source" value="ParentForm"/>
	<SetParam field="Target" value="ParentFormCopy"/>
	<SetParam field="NoTrim" value="True"/>
	<Load Server="ACME01/ACME">
		<Load Database="dbtest\maildbtest.nsf" Select="True"/>
	<focus target="tree" category="Documents" type="Reponse"/>
		<SetParam field="Source" value="ParentForm"/>
		<SetParam field="Target" value="ParentFormCopy"/>
		<SetParam field="NoTrim" value="True"/>

In the script above, the database "dbtest\maildbtest.nsf" will be loaded and the selection tree focus placed on the "Response" document category in the selection tree. The CopyItems action will then trigger the field "ParentForm" to be copied and added into all the Response-type documents using the name "ParentFormCopy" with the option to not automatically trim the entered field names enabled.

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