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Edit: Remove User MFA

Tag: SelectedRemoveMFAMethods

The SelectedRemoveMFAMethods function enables the automation of remove MFA data for the users selected in the grid.


Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue Description
KeepAliveTRUE (keeps dialog open) / FALSE - Defaults to FALSE

Opens the Edit dialog. Uses SetParam children actions to assign new values to attributes of the objects selected in the grid - Required (Like when using the Edit Function Manually)

  • Remove methods:
    WARNING: You can only remove existing methods. For each method you want to remove, you must add a SetParam (i.e. they must be already set beforehand).
    VALUE can be "OneWaySMS", "TwoWayVoiceOffice", "TwoWayVoiceMobile", "TwoWayVoiceAlternateMobile", "PhoneAppOTP" or "PhoneAppNotification".
    <SetParam Field="Methods" Value="VALUE"/>

Example Script

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
	<Select lines="ByValue">
		<SetParam ColumnID="userPrincipalName" Value=""/>
		<SetParam Field="Methods" Value="PhoneAppOTP"/>
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