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Execute: Embed External Scripts

Tag: Execute

The action Execute lets you embed the execution of an external script within your primary automation script.

Detailed Description

The Execute action operates as if the entire secondary script contents were included in the primary script.

FilePath will validate if both the folder path is correct and the file itself exists.

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
FilePathUser DefinableThe external script file path and name to be used - Required

Example Scripts

<Execute FilePath="C:\dev\Temp_XML\replicationEZ-secondaryscript.xml"/>
	<Load Server="Acme01/ACME" partial="true">
		<Load Database="AutoTest\lm_us_8.nsf" Select="True"/>
		<Load Database="AutoTest\lm_nab_8.nsf" Select="True"/>
		<Load Database="AutoTest\info_s03.nsf" Select="True"/>
		<Load Database="storebackup.ntf" Select="True"/>
	<Execute FilePath = "C:\dev\Temp_XML\databaseEZ_secondaryscript.xml"/>
	<GridDataComposition FilePath = "C:\dev\Temp_XML\databaseEZ-grid1.xml"/>

In the script above, the databases indicated in the Load block will be loaded into the main grid of databaseEZ, and the file "databaseEZ_secondaryscript.xml" will be executed as if the entire contents of the secondary script were included in the Execute line's position. A pre-saved grid configuration file "databaseEZ_grid1.xml" will then be applied to the main grid.

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