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ExplodeTimes: Explode Time Values into Separate Columns

Tag: ExplodeTimes

The ExplodeTimes function expands (or explodes) times in the grid.

Tag Attributes

Attributes Value Description
TargetIdentifies the grid by name.
Do not use, or use "grid" for main grid.
No target necessary in sapio365.
ColumnIDColumn UID shows the columns that aren't visible - selects the column like <SelectColumn ColumnID="..."/>


A column must be selected

Example Scripts

<ExplodeTimes ColumnID="receivedDateTime"/>
		<Select Lines="ByValue">
			<SetParam ColumnID="senderName" Value="Alex Wilber"/>
		<SelectColumn ColumnID="toRecipientsAddresses"/>
		<ExplodeDates ColumnID="receivedDateTime"/>
		<ExplodeTimes ColumnID="receivedDateTime"/>
			<SetParam Field="FileOutput" Value="ASCII"/>
			<SetParam Field="Mode" Value="Create"/>
			<SetParam Field="ExportType" Value="HTML"/>
			<SetParam Field="ChildrenOnly" Value="False"/>
			<SetParam Field="ExpandAllGroups" Value="False"/>
			<SetParam Field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" Value="True"/>
			<SetParam Field="SelectedRowsOnly" Value="True"/>
			<SetParam Field="ExcelSheetName" Value=""/>
			<SetParam Field="ExcelTemplate" Value=""/>
			<SetParam Field="FilePath" Value="AlexWilberMails-Exploded"/>
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