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frameId: a unique parameter which will create if it doesn’t exist yet, and reuse if it exists already.

Tag attribute: frameId

The frameId attribute makes the session can be reused. 

Detailed Description

The frameId will be a unique parameter which will create if it doesn’t exist yet, and reuse if it exists already.

KeepAlive can be set as a param when open a new session.

	<ShowUsers keepalive="true" frameId="users1">

	<ShowGroups keepalive="true" frameId="groups1">

	<ShowUsers keepalive="true" frameId="users2">

	<ShowGroups keepalive="true" frameId="groups2">

	<ShowUsers frameId="users1"> <!-- reuse -->
		<Select lines="ByValue">
			<SetParam ColumnID="userPrincipalName" Value=""/>

	<ShowGroups frameId="groups1"> <!-- reuse -->
		<Select lines="ByValue">
			<SetParam ColumnID="displayName" Value="All Company"/>

	<ShowUsers frameId="users2"> <!-- reuse -->
		<Select lines="ByValue">
			<SetParam ColumnID="userPrincipalName" Value=""/>

	<ShowGroups frameId="groups2"> <!-- reuse -->
		<Select lines="ByValue">
			<SetParam ColumnID="displayName" Value="Digital Initiative Public Relations"/>

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