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Group Owners: Remove Owners

Tag: SelectedGroupOwnerRemove

The SelectedGroupOwnerRemove function automates the action of removing owners from selected groups in the Group Owners grid.

<Select columnID=""'<column ID>"" value=""<value in column>"" />

Detailed Description


To remove owners to groups:

  • Select the group row(s) in the Group Delivery Management grid
  • Use SelectedGroupOwnerRemove with a selection of target user(s) in the grid, in the dialog, formatted as:
    <Select columnID="'<column ID>" value="<value in column>" />
  • (<column ID> is the ID of the column you want to make the selection)
  • Add as many <Select columnID="'<column ID>" value="<value in column>" /> as you'd like to make the desired selection

Example Script

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
	<Select lines="ByValue">
		<SetParam columnID="userDisplayName" value="Megan Bowen" And="true"/>
		<SetParam columnID="displayName" value="Innovation Corner""/>
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