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HideSelectedRows: Hide Selected Rows

Tag: HideSelectedRows

The HideSelectedRows function does just that, it hides rows that you've selected in the grid.


The HideSelectedRows function does just that, it hides rows that you've selected in the grid

Tag Attributes

AttributesValue Description
TargetGrid code name

The "Remove" parameter is now obsolete

Example Script

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
	<!-- to be launched from a module view -->
	<Select Lines="ByValue">
		<SetParam ColumnID="jobTitle" Value="Testing"/>

In sapio365 Drive

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
		<Select lines="ByValue">
			<SetParam ColumnID="name" Value="-32.png"/>
			<SetParam ColumnID="name" Value="Contoso Q2 Division Sales.pbix"/>
			<SetParam ColumnID="name" Value="find_shared_files_in_users-2020-01-17-17-24-11-q3867.xlsx"/>
			<SetParam ColumnID="name" Value="Proposed_agenda_topics.docx"/>
			<SetParam ColumnID="name" Value="Feedback"/>
			<SetParam ColumnID="name" Value="jjj"/>
			<SetParam ColumnID="name" Value="Scripts"/>
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