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Echo: Insert Automation Trace

Tag: Echo

The action Echo is used to insert an automation trace into a script, as well as re-enable the trace after it has been disabled earlier in the script.

Detailed Description

The default mode of the Echo action is <Echo Mode="True"/>. Thus, it is unnecessary to specify this mode unless <Echo Mode="False"/> has been specified earlier in the script and you wish to reactivate the automation trace within the script.

Using the Value attribute, you can specify a text readout to include in the automation console output. This can be done multiple different times within a script.

The FilePath attribute allows you to save all automation trace and error messages to a file.

If <Echo Mode="False"/> has been specified, the automation trace messages and errors will still be output into your file.

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
ModeTrue / False

N/A - Not required ­- see detailed description below

ValueUser defined
The text to be displayed in the automation trace file
FilePathUser definedThe path to which the automation log file will be saved  Not required ­- see detailed description below

Example Scripts

<Echo Mode="False"/>
<Echo Value="Load Server Automation script"/>
	<Echo Value="Load Server Automation script"/>
	<Load Server="ACME01/ACME" Partial="True">
		<Load Database="admin4.nsf"/>
		<Load Database="log.nsf" Select="True"/>

Note that in the script above there is no Mode attribute used.

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