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MsgBox: Display a pop-up window

Tag: MsgBox

The MsgBox function displays an information message box in a modal dialog and interrupts the automation.

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
TitleN/AN/A Optional
MessageN/AN/A - Required (But can be empty)
MessageExtendedN/AAppears below message Optional

True / False 

Defaults to FALSE

Adds a Cancel button to the dialog.
If the user clicks Cancel, the automation stops Optional

One of:

Optional (Defaults to "OK")

ButtonCancelLabelN/AN/A Optional (Defaults to "Cancel")
ImageN/ASynonymous with : Type - for backward compatibility (If both image and type are set, image will be used)
AutoCloseIntegernumber of seconds before dialog auto-closed with OK button
Countdown text: 

@@ will be replaced by the number of hours left

## will replaced by the number of minutes in the hour

%% will be replaced by the number of seconds in the minute

If @@ not set in text, it ill show all the minutes left and the seconds in the minute.

If ## not set in text, it will show all the seconds left.

All will be blue, except exclamation (yellow) and error (red).

Image values that can be used have a purple title:

Example Scripts

<MsgBox Title="Information" Message="THIS SCRIPT SHALL RUN FOR A VERY LONG TIME" MessageExtended="Continue?" Type="questioN" WithCancel="true"/>
<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365" WizardTitle="#MeToo" WizardDescription="Appel GROUPS" WizardTooltip="Je clique ici mais c'est un script de GROUPS" WizardIcon="bicycle" 
	<MsgBox Title="Information" Message="THIS SCRIPT SHALL RUN FOR A VERY LONG TIME" MessageExtended="Continue?" Type="questioN" WithCancel="true"/>

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