RemoveEntry: remove an entry in elements of a list
Tag: RemoveEntry
The RemoveEntry function removes an entry from each element in a list, or from a subset of these elements.
Detailed Description
An entry is the name of a list action parameter in a list element.
For example, in <List Name=”List1” Action=”SetVar” v1=”A” v2=”B”/>:
Name and Action are not list action parameters, they are mandatory settings of the List action
v1 and v2 are action parameters: they relate to “SetVar“; they are considered list entries in the element defined by the List action and can be removed
An entry can be removed from all elements in the list, or from a subset of elements defined by a WHERE clause.
For example, list A contains 10 elements with entries A and B: B can be removed from all elements, or only from elements that match a WHERE clause that compares entry values in each element to its settings.
The WHERE clause is case insensitive.
Tag Attributes
Attributes | Value Description |
ListName | Any string to ID the list (required) |
EntryName | Any string to ID the entry (required) |
Where | Name of parameter to use for a source list subset selection (optional) |
(where comparison mode) | If the Where attribute is used, a comparison mode is required, one of:
<SplitIntoSetVarList ListName="List1" separator=":" var1="A:B:C:D:E:F" var2="a:b:c:d:e:f"/>
Remove all var1 from List1
<RemoveEntry ListName="List1" EntryName="var1"/>
<Loop list="List1">
<SplitIntoSetVarList ListName="List2" separator=":" var1="v1:v2:v3:v4:v5:v6" var2="1:2:3:4::A"/>
Remove var1 from List2 for elements that have a var2 value smaller than 3
<RemoveEntry ListName="List2" EntryName="var1" where="var2" lessThan="3"/>
<Loop list="List2">
Remove var2 from List2 for elements where var1 value is empty
<RemoveEntry ListName="List2" EntryName="var2" where="var1" equals=""/>
<Loop list="List2">