Rename Lists
Tag: Rename
The Rename action allows you to automatically rename a list.
Detailed Description
When a list must be stored, renaming it is a quick solution. The former name can be used again to create a new, empty list.
Tag Attributes
Attributes | Value Description |
ListName | Any string to ID the list - Required |
Name | Regular action name - Required |
If ListName and Name are identical (case insensitive), nothing happens and a warning is issued.
Example Scripts
<Rename ListName="oldName" name="newName"/>
<List Name="oldName" Action="SetVar" var4="42"/>
<List Name="oldName" Action="SetVar" var4=""/>
<List Name="oldName" Action="SetVar" var4="666"/>
<Rename ListName="oldName" name="newName"/>
<Loop list="newName">
<Echo value="======> var4={%var4%}"/>