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Run Note Tracker

Tag: TrackNotes

The TrackNotes tag, along with a SetParam field value to specify the UNIDs to track, will automate the Note Tracker function.

SetParam Options

Field NameCompatible Field ValuesValue Description
UNIDSpecific UNID of notes to track

N/A - Required

Example Scripts

	<SetParam Field="UNID" Value="2BDCD357E5B194C8852579B800756B81;19E61567D1D72696852579B8007598F8"/>
	<Load Server="Acme01/ACME" Select="True"/>
	<Select Target="Grid" lines="all"/>
		<SetParam Field="UNID" Value="2BDCD357E5B194C8852579B800756B81;19E61567D1D72696852579B8007598F8"/>

In the script above, the notes having UNIDs 2BDCD357E5B194C8852579B800756B81 and 19E61567D1D72696852579B8007598F8 will be tracked.

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