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Run User Activity Analyzer

Tag: UserActivity

The UserActivity action, along with a set of nested SetParam child actions, lets you automate the User Activity process.

Detailed Description

The User Activity feature is found within the Tools menu of databaseEZ and it can be automated using the action UserActivity.

The related settings, found within the User Activity dialog, can be specified using SetParam options. These values are not mandatory; if they are not specified, the default values from the dialog will be used.

In order for the User Activity action to function, databases must be selected (as with the manual selection in the UI).

SetParam Options

Field NameCompatible Field ValuesValue Description
StartDateDate in compatible YYYY/MM/DD format

Not Required (See detailed description)

StartTimeTime in compatible HH:MM:SS (24-hr format)

Not Required  (See detailed description)

EndDateDate in compatible YYYY/MM/DD format

Not Required  (See detailed description)

EndTimeTime in compatible HH:MM:SS (24-hr format)

Not Required  (See detailed description)

RegexUser defined Regex value

Not Required  (See detailed description)

CaseSensitiveTrue / False

Not Required  (See detailed description)

KeepContentTrue / False

Not Required  (See detailed description)

Example Scripts

	<SetParam Field="StartDate" value="2014/12/24"/>
	<SetParam Field="EndDate" value="2015/12/09"/>
	<SetParam Field="StartTime" value="00:06:09"/>
	<SetParam Field="EndTime" value="06:06:06"/>
	<SetParam Field="KeepContent" value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="regex" value="regexvalue"/>
	<Load Server="Acme01/ACME" partial="true">
		<Load Database="dbtest\maildbtest.nsf" Select="True"/>
		<Load Database="dbtest\copynames.nsf" Select="True"/>
	<Select lines="all"/>
		<SetParam Field="StartDate" value="2014/12/24"/>
		<SetParam Field="EndDate" value="2016/01/09"/>
		<SetParam Field="StartTime" value="00:06:09"/>
		<SetParam Field="EndTime" value="06:06:06"/>
		<SetParam Field="KeepContent" value="true"/>
		<SetParam Field="regex" value="John Difool/ACME"/>

In the script above, the User Activity Analyzer will process the selected grid lines with the settings specified in the SetParam lines

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