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SelectionInclude / SelectionExclude - Database selection filter

Automate the Database selection filter panel in single-server and multi-server applications.

SelectionInclude allows to select and load the databases matching the given filter.

SelectionExclude allows to unselect and unload the databases matching the given filter.

Tag Attributes


Attribute Values

Value Description


All / Databases / Templates

All: any file type
Databases: Only databases
Templates: Only templates


User definable

The regex used to filter databases


True / False

Only when Regex is provided.
If True, the regex is case sensitive.
If False, it’s not.


True / False

Only when Regex is provided.
If True, the regex applies to the database full paths.
If False, it applies to database displayed title.

Servers (multi-server applications only)

Semi-colon separated server list

Servers to which the filter applies.

Example Scripts

Single-server example

  <SelectionInclude DatabaseFilter="Databases" Regex="^a" CaseSensitive="True" SearchFullPath="False"/>
  <SelectionExclude DatabaseFilter="Databases" Regex="a$" CaseSensitive="True" SearchFullPath="False"/>

Multi-server example

  <SelectionInclude DatabaseFilter="Databases" Regex="^a" CaseSensitive="True" SearchFullPath="False" Servers="ACME01/ACME;ACME02/ACME"/>
  <SelectionExclude DatabaseFilter="Databases" Regex="a$" CaseSensitive="True" SearchFullPath="False" Servers="ACME01/ACME;ACME02/ACME"/>
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