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SendMail: Send eMail from target platform (O365 or Notes Domino)

Tag: SendMail

The SendMail function automates the action of sending an email from the session's signed-in user account running the automation.

When executed with a sapio365 RBAC role, the email will be sent from the signed-in user's mailbox.

Does not work in Ultra Admin mode in sapio365 because there is no signed-in user. Ultra Admin mode is no longer available in the current version of sapio365.

The SendMail action is only available through automation. It has no equivalent feature in the sapio365 user interface.


Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue Description 


"To" recipients addresses (mandatory) use a comma separator to enter several addressesN/A
SendFromto specify the sender username or id Only valid if current session is App
SubjectEmail subject (mandatory)N/A
SaveToSentItemsTRUE (stores the message in Outlook's "sent items") / FALSE - defaults to FALSEN/A
ZipNameName of zip file containing all attachmentsN/A

"CC" carbon copy addresses. Use a comma separator to enter several addresses Optional

BlindCopyToN/A"BCC" blind carbon copy addresses. Use a comma separator to enter several addresses Optional
RemarkN/AAny text you want at the beginning of the body field of the memo Optional

Keyword. One or more flags indicating the priority and security of the memo. If you specify multiple flags, format them as a list, as in [SIGN]:[PRIORITYHIGH]:[RETURNRECEIPT]. Enclose each flag in square brackets, as shown Optional

Sub actions

Sub actions
BodyEmail text (mandatory) can be plain text or HTML. To use HTML formatting, encapsulate the body in a <![CDATA[...]]> item

Creates an attachment for the message (use as many as you wish). NB: the current Graph API limitation is 4 Mb for all attachments (attaching more will end in error).

FilePath: path of file to attach to the message
Zip: TRUE/FALSE creates and attaches a zip file
        from FilePath

Example Scripts

1) Sample with plain text

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365" Console="False">
	<SendMail sendto="" subject="Evaluate this admin tool" SaveToSentItems="true">
			Click here to learn more.
			Ask for a free trial.
			Install & go!
		<Attachment FilePath="C:\Users\sonia\Documents\Delete\sapio365_vs_Microsoft_native_tools.pdf"/>

2) Sample with HTML formatting and attachment

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365" Console="False">
	<SendMail sendto="" subject="Evaluate this admin tool">
			<a href=>Click here</a> to learn more about sapio365.<br>
			<b>Ask for a free trial.</b><br>
			<i>Install & go!</i><p> 
		<Attachment FilePath="C:\Users\sonia\Documents\Delete\sapio365_vs_Microsoft_native_tools.pdf"/>


3) Sample which zips up files and sends as attachment

This HTML email bundles two files and sends the resulting zip attachment (see image that follows). Note that one of the files is a zip file.

ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365" Console="False">
	<SendMail sendto="" subject="Evaluate this admin tool" zipName="bundle">
			<a href=>Click here</a> to learn more about sapio365.<br>
			<b>Ask for a free trial.</b><br>
			<i>Install & go!</i><p> 
		<Attachment FilePath="C:\Users\sonia\Documents\Delete\" zip="true"/>
		<Attachment FilePath="C:\Users\sonia\Documents\Delete\sapio365_vs_Microsoft_native_tools.pdf"/>


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