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TrimVar: Remove leading and trailing non-printables characters and blanks

Tag: TrimVar

The action TrimVar function assigns a value to a variable (like SetVar) after having trimmed the value of the leading and trailing non-prinatble characters (line feeds, back space etc.) and blank spaces.

TrimVar can process several variables at once

Tag Attributes


Value Description

Variable Name

Any unreserved name valid in XML. Reserved names are listed on: Variables

Variable Value

Any string or number to escape

Example Scripts

	<SetVarFromTextFile name='xOD_RAW_FreeSpace' filepath='D:\Temp\'/>
	<EscapeVar xOD_RAW_FreeSpace='{%xOD_RAW_FreeSpace%}' type='JS'/>
	<Echo  Value='ESCAPED: *{%xOD_RAW_FreeSpace%}*'/>
	<SetVarFromTextFile name='xOD_RAW_FreeSpace' filepath='D:\Temp\'/>
	<TrimVar xOD_RAW_FreeSpace='{%xOD_RAW_FreeSpace%}'/>
	<Echo  Value='TRIMMED: *{%xOD_RAW_FreeSpace%}*'/>

In this example, we compare the result of EscapeVar (does not remove blanks) and TrimVar (removes blanks) regarding the removal of unwanted characters:


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