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SelectedShowDriveItemsUsers: Show Drive Items for Users

SelectedShowDriveItemsUsers show drive items for the selected users.

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
AllDrivesTRUE / FALSE - Defaults to FALSE

By default, only the main drive is loaded for selected users.
If you wish to load all their drives, use this attribute.

NewFrameTRUE / FALSE - Defaults to FALSEBy default, the loaded data is shown in the same window.
If you wish to show the data in a new window, use this attribute.
KeepAliveTRUE / FALSE - Defaults to FALSEBy default, the automation closes each window so that the script is executed without human intervention.
If you wish to keep a window open, use this attribute.
(Experimental) Search criteria string as allowed in graph API request.
e.g.: .xlsx OR .png
(Experimental) Post filtering string. For now, only filtering on file extensions is available.
This string can contain the extensions (with the leading point) to keep, separated by a semicolon.
e.g.: .xlsx;.png

Example Script

	<SelectedShowDriveItemsUsers NewFrame="True" AllDrives="True"/>

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