SetVarListSize: Assign a list size to a script variable
The SetVarListSize function assigns a list size to a script variable.
Detailed Description
A list contains 0 or more elements. SetVarListSize fetches the number of elements and assigns it to the variable of your choice.
Tag Attributes
Attributes | Value Description |
ListName | Anything in the form of : varName="listName" Assigns to the variable varName (subsequently accessible via {%varName%}), the number of elements in the list named "listName". |
If no list exists with the supplied name, the variable value is set to 0 and an error is raised.
Example Scripts
<SetVarListFromGridSelection ListName="GroupList" GroupName="displayName" Type="groupType" Kreator="createdDateTime" Mail="mailEnabled"/>
<SetVarListSize GroupListSize="GroupList"/>
<Echo value="Group list size: {%GroupListSize%}"/>