SetVarValidFilePath: Set Variable with Valid Windows File Path
SetVarValidFilePath creates variables like a regular SetVar but transforms the value to a valid Windows file path.
All non-Windows-filepath-compliant characters: :?\"<>|{}*;^ are replaced by an underscore: _
Front slash / is replaced by backslash \
Tag Attributes
Attributes | Attribute Values | Value Description |
Variable Name | N/A | Any unreserved name valid in XML. Reserved names are listed on: Variables |
Variable Value | N/A | Any string or number. |
NewFile | True / False | If set to True, the file name shall be modified with a number increment so that it becomes unique. |
Example Script
<SetVar MyPath="MuhFolder/My Export at 06:06:06 {is it large? nobody | knows;}"/>
<SetVarValidFilePath MyPath="{%MyPath%}" MyOtherPath="C:\dev\Temp_XML\ProcessError.xml" NewFile="true"/>
<Echo Value="{%MyPath%}"/>
<Echo Value="{%MyOtherPath%}"/>
In this example, two file path are generated:
Since ProcessError.xml already exists and NewFile is set to "true" the new file name variable contains ProcessError (2).xml