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Column formatting: cell vs group

Columns that contain checkboxes offer options to set the checkbox format for both cells and groups. The format options are the same for both cells and groups and are available within the 'Checkbox' tab in the column's format dialogs.

The above dialog is an example of a Group Format dialog for a column that displays checkboxes.

Checkbox Options

There are three different radio buttons that let you set how checkboxes will be handled when group/sort operations are applied to them:

  • 'Value Only': This will consider the checked, half-checked, and the unchecked value of the checkboxes.
  • 'Status Only': This will consider the editable or read-only status of the checkboxes.
  • 'Both': This will consider the both the value and the status of the checkboxes.
NOTEThe checkbox options that you select in this dialog will influence the data exported using the Export function. For more information see Export and Copy Preferences.

General Dialog Options

  • 'Reset': This will reset all preferences within the dialog to the default setup. These settings will not automatically be applied.
  • 'Apply to Group/Cell Format': When selected, this checkbox will duplicate your settings across Cell/Group formats upon confirmation.
  • 'OK': This confirms your format settings.
  • 'Cancel': This cancels any changes and closes the dialog.
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