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Data comparator: comparison options

The Data Comparator lets you conduct a wide range of comparisons.

NOTESelection rules will remain the same as in any basic comparison.

The Master Reference Section

The options within the 'Master reference' section let you set the basis for your comparison. These options will change how your properties and values will be compared.

All equally (no master reference)

Most numerous matching entries: set this as master reference

Use the first entry in the grid as master reference

Select any entry below as master reference

TIPYou can also compare data entries grouped together by common criteria. For more details, see Family Comparisons.

All equally (no master reference)

This option lets you compare your selected columns' data sets with all values being of equal weight. This will indicate if any non-matches are found within the entire individual data sets. No master reference is used for this type of comparison.

In this example, the values within the columns 'Database File Type' and 'Database Type', for the entries selected in the grid, will be compared among their respective columns.

As seen in the results above, the values within the column 'Database File Type' did not ALL match and are marked with FAIL.

The values within the column Database Type are ALL the same and are thus marked OK.

Most numerous matching entries: set this as master reference

When using this option, the comparator will calculate the most commonly occurring value found within the columns whose data you are running the comparison on. This value will be used as the Master Reference Value.

NOTEIf two or more values occur the same amount of times within the compared data sets, these values will all be used as equally valid Master Reference Values.

In the example above, the 'Database File Type' values were compared. Since the value of 'Database' was the most commonly occurring value, it was automatically selected to be the Master Reference Value. All non-corresponding values were marked as FAIL.

Use the first entry in the grid as master reference

This option will automatically use the first of the entries that are selected to be part of a comparison. A reminder of which entry this is will be shown in the master reference selection grid as seen below.

Select any entry below as master reference

This option lets you manually select your master reference entry from the master reference selection grid.

The previous two options involve the master reference selection grid. This grid is equipped with many of the same sorting and grouping features as other flexYgrid panels.

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