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Grid manager: categorized column configuration

Categorized Column Configuration

This configuration displays all the columns by their category.
The advantage of this configuration is that you can easily check all columns within a category to add them to the grid; whether visible or not.

NOTEYtria Categorisation:

Wherever possible we tried to categorize the column names using the same convention found in IBM Domino.
However in cases where this was not possible or practical, Ytria's own conventions are used.

To quickly check all columns within a single category, simply click on the category name's checkbox in the Is Visible column:

  • If checked, all the columns will be displayed in the grid.
  • If unchecked, none of these columns will be displayed in the grid.
  • If half-checked, this indicates a mix: one or more (but not all) columns will be displayed in the grid.


Considerations for multi-header columns
The following note applies to the Categorized Column Configuration:

Some tools employ multi-header columns. For example, in replicationEZ a column like Database Full Path will appear under each server name.
When using multi-header columns like this, the Grid Manager's Categorized Column Configuration will represent all of these columns with a single Column Title under a single category.

This allows you to manage similar columns from different servers with a single title in the Grid Manager.

Alternatively, only the Live Column Configuration manages similar columns per server.

In this case the Grid Manager will display a category for each server by name. Each server's category will then list all columns for that server.

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