The ability to group and categorize data by given column headers is a core data manipulation function to flexYgrid panels. There are multiple options that you can select to change the way these groupings are displayed in the grid.
Expand/Collapse Groups
Once groupings are made, the categories can be displayed in the grid in expanded or collapsed form. The following options let you choose which categories are expanded or collapsed:
'Expand All': This option, selected either by its toolbar button, the context menu option found in the 'Grid Tools & Options' submenu (shown below), or theShift++key command, will expand all categories and reveal all rows within all categories.
'Collapse All': This option, selected either by its toolbar button, the context menu option found in the 'Grid Tools & Options' submenu (shown below), or theShift+-key command, will collapse all categories, leaving only their category headers visible.
'Expand' or 'Collapse': These buttons, indicated with a+or-next to category names within the grid will either expand or collapse, respectively, individual categories.
Grid entries that are grouped within categories may not be selected unless the category they are in is expanded.
Show/Hide Empty Groups
Whenfiltersare applied to columns that are used for groupings, some entries within the column may be hidden. You can toggle between showing or hiding these categories. Activate the option'Show Empty Groups'by clicking its tool bar buttonor the context menu option found in the 'Grid Tools & Options > Grid Options' submenu.
In the example above, a text filter has been applied to the column Database File Type, leaving only the entries matching "Advanced Template" in the grid. By activating the option 'Show Empty Groups', categories that would normally be hidden due to the applied filters will be made visible in the grid.
This option will not display the grid entries themselves. See thefiltered and hidden rowspage for details.
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