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Switch ID

Switch ID

It is possible to switch ID's within each Ytria tool without affecting your Notes session.
You can also have several sessions of the same Ytria tool, each one running under a different ID.
The Switch ID option can be accessed from the Options menu.



The Switch ID window

NOTEYou can switch your ID anytime within any Ytria tool.

Important advantages of Ytria's ID switching capability:
  • No open databases will be closed. (Unlike in Notes, where switching ID's has the inconvenient effect of automatically closing all your open databases).
  • Your pending modifications will be retained during this action. (i.e. You will not lose your unsaved modifications. In the case of scanEZ, if needed, you will be prompted to save your changes before switching ID).

You can use the Save & Log In button to record your user ID password. The next time you select this ID, it will be automatically used by the application.
You can also use the Delete Current button to remove the current user ID recorded password and enter a new one.

The user ID currently being used is displayed in the Options menu.



In consoleEZ, you can see the Switch ID event directly on the console.


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