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Administration Activities Made Easy

The sapio365 solution makes it easy to make individual account updates, or bulk changes to multiple accounts from within the simple user interface (UI).  You can make these changes directly from within the view shown in the Grid layout where the columns of information are listed.

User Account Updates

To make updates to one entry from a view, simply double-click on the entry and you will open a new window showing all the available data fields to update.  Make a few updates that you can undo without actually processing the changes, and click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the window. 


As you can see in the screenshot below, any updated entries have their modified field highlighted in ‘GREEN’ with a pencil icon next to them.  You can easily remove those edits by using the ‘Undo All’ button.  If you want to process those changes and commit them to the tenant, you need to use the ‘Save All’ button as shown in the screen snapshots below.


Bulk Updates on Multiple User Accounts

 To update more than one account from a View, simply select the entries and then from the ‘Manage’ tab in the ribbon, select the ‘Edit’ button.  This will open a new window showing you all the changes that you can make.  Note that if you select multiple entries that have different data stored within the same fields, it will show you that in the selection criteria for the updates window and list it as [Different values].


Any updates you make are first listed as ‘Edited’ with a pencil icon next to them.  You can easily remove those edits by using the ‘Undo All’ button.  If you want to actually process those changes and commit them to the tenant, you need to use the ‘Save All’ button as shown in the screen snapshots below.


Viewing Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams Sites

 As with making updates to user accounts, you can also do reporting on Groups within your tenants.  From the main sapio365 entry screen, use the ‘All groups and teams’ button to load your view with information from your tenant. 

 From your basic view of All Groups, drag and drop the ‘Group Type’ column to the top bar for categorization of the grid.  Then do the same for the ‘Created On’ field and you will now have a double-categorized view that looks just like the one below which shows you the number of groups by their different type for your tenant. 

Now use the hotkey options of ‘Shift Minus’ and ‘Shift +’ to expand and collapse the categorizations in your data view. 


Managing Group Members and Owners

The sapio365 toolset makes it easy to explore and edit all members and owners of selected groups at once.  You can add, remove, copy or move members as well as promote/demote ownership for multiple selections at once.

To load the membership of one or more groups, you can use the ‘Manage’ tab in the ribbon and select the ‘Load Members’ button. From the updated data view, you can add and remove owners for any number of selected groups. You can also select owners and navigate to new views about details, group memberships and assigned licenses.


1 - Add group owners

Select groups for which you would like to add new owners, then click on ‘Add Owners’ to select users from the directory. Once you click on ‘Apply’, a new entry will be added to the grid for each new owner for each selected group.

Note:  A star icon will appear in the status column for each row to let you preview changes before you save them.

2 - Remove group owners

 Select owners from groups to remove them with the ‘Remove Owners’ button.

Once you click on ‘Apply’, a trash can icon will appear in the status column for each row to let you preview changes before you save them.  Check out the screenshot below of examples. 



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