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Consultant token packs (pay-per-use)

What are action tokens?

Action tokens provide you with a cost-effective alternative to sapio365's standard license system. Tokens are essentially prepaid sapio365 actions that you can use whenever and however you want.

Tokens allow consultants the freedom to work across their entire tenant load without limits. There is no need to prioritize clients based on their Microsoft Office 365 user base, as a standard license is based on this. With a token-based license there are no limits on tenant amount.

With this pay-as-you-go system, you don't have to commit to anything. And you can budget your sapio365 usage and access in a much more granular way. All this without limits on the number of tenants you can work with.

What is an "action" when it comes to using my sapio365 tokens?

It's actually quite easy to remember if you think about it this way:

In sapio365 there are information retrieval/push actions, such as loading users or groups; loading messages, group memberships, OneDrive files; and reloading grid information or modifying users or groups. And there are data manipulation actions, which include things like filtering, sorting, and categorization of data within an already-open grid.

Tokens are only used for information retrieval actions. They are not used for any data manipulation, nor for saving changes.

  • More specifically, for retrieving Users, Groups or Sites, each initial data load of 250 entries will use one token.
  • Every other data retrieval from the "Home" screen will use one token regardless of the data volume retrieved.
  • And every time a different "type" of data is retrieved (such as user messages, group memberships, OneDrive files, etc.) in a "sub-module" view, one token is used.

sapio365 token consumption by action

ActionRequired tokens
Load from Users, Group, or SharePoint Sites sections in Home1 token per 250 entries
Load from Tenant section in Home1 token
In Users, load files or mail or mail rules or memberships, etc...from any of the 'Management' area in the ribbon1 token
In Groups, load files, members, owners, channels, etc...from any of the 'Management' area in the ribbon1 token
In SharePoint Sites, load files or lists from the 'Management' area in the ribbon1 token
In submodules (ex. Teams, Files, etc), load new data from any of the 'Management' areas in the ribbon1 token
'Save All' or 'Save Selected' changesfree
Load additional info like file permissions or attachment infofree
Export, group, filter, sort or any other grid featurefree
Save or load a Snapshot or Restore Pointfree
Load on-prem data (hybrid tenants)free

Example calculation

Here's a quick rundown of a process of seeing your users' group memberships and adding new memberships in sapio365, with the number of tokens it would take to complete it:

Let's say your tenant contains 2000 Office 365 users.

1. Loading the 2000 Office 365 users in your tenant will require 8 tokens.

2. Loading the group memberships for a selection of these users is 1 token (regardless of the number of users).

3. In the view showing group memberships, manipulating the data shown using filters or categorization will not use a token.

4. Working with group memberships for any number of users and saving your modifications will not use a token.

Following the simple process above will use a total of 9 tokens.

Tokens can be purchased on this page:

sapio365 token cart

The sapio365 token calculator and cart

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