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User Activity Logs

In this area, you will find a record of actions by sapio365 users (including when using a sapio365 role session).

This data is stored encrypted in a local database.

If collaboration has been enabled, all users’ local databases are synced to the collaboration platform.

Click on the ‘Refresh Logs’ icon to load them (#3 in image below).

  1. View logs from this computer: list only actions and module access logs made on the current machine.

  2. View all logs: list all logs from everyone’s machines synced in Cosmos DB or on MS SQL server.

  3. Refresh logs: refresh the list to see the latest logs.

  4. Show Logs related to Selection: list only logs related to the ones you select. This is filter on the ‘Object Key’ column.

  5. Show All Logs: restore logs filtered out by ‘Show Logs related to Selection’.


Categorize logs by grouping by user, action or date, or use filters by right-clicking on column titles.

Other grid actions are available though the right-click menu.

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