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Database Options

In the Database > Options menu, you can set general display and editing options.

Customize Design Element Display

This lets you alter the way design elements are displayed in the Selection Tree. This feature is found in all of Ytria's database-level tools, read more about it here.

View Mode

Lets you choose the format in which you want to see your information. Normal is selected by default, but you can change it to Hex if you'd rather see hexadecimal values.





Open Documents

You can choose to display/hide the toolbars.

See Toolbars for more details.

Open documents

As RFC822 TextBy default, the two options below are checked. They allow you to see the values in their original format rather than converted into the Notes format.

These two formats are not editable.
As Mime Part
Decrypt when EncryptedLets you see the decrypted contents of encrypted fields if you are entitled to decrypt them, meaning if you have the corresponding public or private key.

When you do not have the proper key to decrypt an item (or you've disabled the Decrypt when Encrypted option under Database>Options) you'll see the $Seal and $SealData values in a document's item list (with a red seal icon). A very thorough explanation of Notes field encryption scheme can be found in this IBM document.


Date Format

The following options let you choose how date and time values are displayed:

Show Zone Only if it's not this ZoneThis will display time zone code whenever it's not local.
Always Show Time ZoneThe time zone will always be displayed.
Always Convert Time to this ZoneTime will always displayed in your local time.

Force when Saving Documents

When this option is enabled, the document you are working on will be saved even if someone modified it between the time it was opened and the time it is saved.

This option is saved in the notes.ini under



Read-only design

For security purposes, this option is checked by default when you launch scanEZ. You can uncheck it but be aware that modifying design elements with scanEZ is dangerous and could make your database unusable if you don't know exactly what you are doing.

Ytria scanEZ will let modify your design elements in the following ways:

Without special warning or notice if the read-only option is disabled
After opening a warning pop-up if the read-only option is enabled

Check Document for Conflicts

When this option is enabled, scanEZ will check if parent documents contain any child documents that are conflicts and refer to this parent. If this is the case, the parent document will be considered as a conflict and the Conflict Solver can be launched from the parent document.

Enabling this option can adversely affect performance if the database contains many conflicts / documents.

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