'Importing To' or 'Exporting From' DXL files in scanEZ
To export your data to a DXL file, go toTools> Export to DXL
Export to DXL dialog box options
File Destination
: This is where you set the File Path.
DXL Options
(Checkbox options)
Force Note: Save in raw Notes format
Exit on Fatal Error
Add Notes !Doctype line at first (*)
Convert NotesBitmap to Gif
Add xmlns, version, and other common root attributes (*)
Rich Text
Output Rich Text as DXL(includes Rich-Text descriptions)
Output Rich Text as uninterpreted (base 64)(raw Rich-Text)
Output within MIME element
Output MIME as uninterpreted (base 64)
XSLT File Destination
Other Options
Specify Doctype
Comment to add at the beginning of the generated XML file
Once generated, open the file
TheExport to DXLfeature in scanEZ uses the Notes API. To read more about how DXL exportation works and for more information on the individual commands, look up "NotesDXLExporter class" in your Domino Designer Help.
To import data from a DXL file go toTools>Import From a DXL
Dialog box options
File To Be Imported
: This is where you set the File Path of the file you'd like to import.
Import Options
Create Full-text Index
Replace Database Properties
Allow replace/update operations even if replica IDs are different
Exit on Fatal Error
Compile LotusScript code
ACL Importation Options
Radio Buttons:
Update else Ignore
Update else Create (R7 only)
Replace else Ignore
Replace else Create
Note Importation Options
Radio Buttons:
Update else Ignore
Update else Create (R7 only)
Replace else Ignore
Replace else Create
Log Options
Ignore the action
Log the problem as a warning
Log the problem as an error
Log the problem as a fatal error
Validation Options
Design Importation Options
Update else Ignore
Update else Create
Replace else Ignore
Replace else Create
TheImport from a DXLfeature in scanEZ uses the Notes API. To read more about how DXL importation works and for more information on the individual commands, look up "NotesDXLImporter class" in your Domino Designer Help.
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