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Using the mouse in viewEZ

Presented below is a list of operations you can perform in viewEZ using your mouse and keyboard.

Click a view column (or shared column)

Selects the view column

Note : clicking a view column a second time does not de-select it.
To de-select a view column, you need to click outside of it or Ctrl + Click it.

Click a column header

Selects all view columns of the design element

Double-click on a view column

Opens the properties dialog box for the selected view column (or shared column)

Shift + Click on contiguous view columns

Simultaneously select a range of view columns

Ctrl + Click on noncontiguous view columns

Simultaneously select a number of noncontiguous view columns

Note : You cannot move or copy several columns if they belong to different design elements

Drag and Drop

Move the selected view column

If you drag a shared column to a different design element, a new column will be created from the shared column

If you drag a view column and drop it in the Shared Columns column, it will create a new shared column, from the selected view column (it will automatically link this view column to the newly-created shared column)

Shift + drag-and-drop

Copy the selected view columns


Contextual menu

Ctrl + drag to resize view columns

This action lets you resize all view columns at the same time in the Columns by Position in View and Columns by Link to Shared Columns tabs in viewEZ's Views window.


You can drag & drop or copy / paste to and from different open viewEZ sessions.

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