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The Grid Data Composition Panel in agentEZ

The Grid Data Composition panel in agentEZ lets you choose which columns (and by extension which agent data) will load in the agent grid.
To use this panel, simply select the columns you'd like to see in the grid and click the Apply button.
You can restore the default column selection by clicking the Restore Default button, then Apply.

Buttons available in the Grid Data Composition panel





Categorizes all available columns in a manner similar to the Agent Properties dialog in Domino Designer plus it groups 'last run' and miscellaneous information together


Lists all available columns in alphabetical order

Save Preferences

Allows you to save a particular set of columns to disk as a preference file for use in the future. (Here's an example filename: Preference1.agentEZ.pfl)

Load Preferences

Lets you load a previously saved set of columns

Expand All

Only works when in categorized mode

Collapse All

Only works when in categorized mode

Restore Defaults

Restores the original configured grid data selection

Select All

Selects all available column checkboxes

Deselect All

Deselects all column checkboxes

NOTEThe Grid Data Composition panel works in a different manner than the standard column filters available in all grid windows.
The standard grid filters 'hide' information that has already been loaded.

In contrast, the Grid Data Composition panel lets you choose 'in advance' what information you wish to be displayed in your grid.
Therefore, when dealing with large data sets in the Main Grid, disabling all but the essential columns improves the performance of agentEZ. This lightens the load on the grid itself, although all information is still loaded in the tool.
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