Add Document to Folder
Tag: AddToFolder
The action AddToFolder will emulate selecting the option 'Add to Folder…' found in the CheckBox Selection menu in scanEZ.
Detailed Description
All options available in the Add Documents to Folder dialog can be specified by the tag attributes.
A document MUST be selected (Checkbox selection) in the selection tree in order to use this operation.
Tag Attributes
Attribute Name | Attribute Value | Value Description |
Show | Name Alias NameAlias | Radio button options for folder info display within the 'Add documents to folder…' dialog - Not Required - If not used, operation will default to "NameAlias". |
ViewFolderList | User definable | The name and/or alias of the folder to select - Required |
ShowPrivate | True / False | Equivalent of 'Show Private Views and Folders' checkbox - Not Required - If not used, created folder will not inherit from any other view or folder. |
Example Scripts
<AddToFolder Show="Name" ViewFolderList="Folder1" ShowPrivate="True"/>
<Load Server="ACME01/ACME" database="maildbtest1.nsf"/>
<Select Category="ByNoteID" Target="Tree" Value="2314"/>
<AddToFolder Show="Name" ViewFolderList="Folder1" ShowPrivate="True"/>
In the script above, the database "maildbtest1.nsf" will be loaded in scanEZ, and the document with noteID "2314" will be selected in the selection tree. The action AddToFolder will then trigger the 'Add to Folder…' operation and add this document to the folder named "Folder1".