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Edit Licenses and Service Plans

Tag: SelectedEditLicense

The SelectedEditLicense function automates the action of accessing the licenses of selected users, allowing you to either assign or unassign their license.

<SelectedEditLicense defaultUsageLocation="FR">
	<SetParam Field="ENTERPRISEPREMIUM" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="FLOW_O365_P3" Value="false"/>
	<SetParam Field="EMSPREMIUM" Value="false"/>

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute Value
KeepAliveTRUE (keeps dialog open) / FALSE (defaults to FALSE)

Detailed Description

SelectedEditLicense opens the Edit dialog to assign a new license value to users selected in the grid. It does this by using the SetParam actions you set for each user.

A grid selection is still required, just as it's required if using this function manually.


Example Script

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
	<OnError Continue="true"/>
	<Select lines="ByValue">
		<SetParam ColumnID="meta.displayName" Value="Betsy Drake" And="true"/>
		<SetParam ColumnID="OBJECTTYPE" Value="user"/>
	<SelectedEditLicense defaultUsageLocation="FR">
		<SetParam Field="ENTERPRISEPREMIUM" Value="true"/>
		<SetParam Field="FLOW_O365_P3" Value="false"/>
		<SetParam Field="EMSPREMIUM" Value="false"/>

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