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Edit Notes.ini

Tag: NotesIni

The NotesIni action, along with the applicable sub-actions and SetParam options, lets you automate scanEZ's Notes.ini Editor.

Detailed Description

The NotesIni action script block effectively acts as a list of changes to perform on the selected Notes.ini file.

Multiple sub-actions can be used within the same script block. No one sub-action is mandatory, but within each sub-action, all attributes are required.

TIPAll general, grid-based automation actions can be integrated into the script block as child actions.

Tag AttributesSub-Action: New

AttributesAttribute ValueValue Description
NameUser definableName of the entry to createRequired (See detailed description)
ValueUser definableValue to set for created entry Required (See detailed description)

Sub-Action: Edit

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue Description
NameUser definableExact name of entry to edit - Required (See detailed description)
ValueUser definableValue to set entry to - Required (See detailed description)

Sub-Action: Delete

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue Description
NameUser definableExact name of entry to delete Required (See detailed description)

Sub-Action: Export

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue Description
FilePathUser definableFile path for export Required (See detailed description)

SetParam Options

AttributesAttribute ValueValue Description
SourceLocal ServerOption to set which Notes.ini file to edit Not Required -  Default is "Local"

Example Scripts

<NotesIni KeepAlive="True">
	<Export FilePath="D:\MyNotes.ini"/>
	<New Name="testentry1" Value="test66"/>
	<Edit Name="testentry56" Value="test2323"/>
	<Delete Name="test99"/>
	<Export FilePath="C:\MyNotes.ini"/>
		<Select Lines="ByValue">
			<SetParam target="NotesIniGrid" ColumnID="NI1" Value="YtriaLastOpenServerName"/>
			<SetParam field="FilePath" value="D:\scanEZ-Last_Open_Server.html"/>
			<SetParam field="ExportType" value="HTML"/>
			<SetParam field="selectedrowsonly" value="True"/>
		<Sort ColumnID="NI1" Ascending="True"/>
		<Filter ColumnID="NI1" Mode="Begins" Text="y"/>
			<SetParam field="FilePath" value="D:\scanEZ-NotesIni_All_Y.html"/>
			<SetParam field="ExportType" value="HTML"/>
			<SetParam field="SelectedRowsOnly" value="False"/>
		<New Name="Test" value="added"/>
		<Export FilePath="D:\MyNotes2.ini"/>

In the script above, the action NotesIni will be launched, opening the Notes.ini Editor on the local notes.ini file. The entry matching the value of " YtriaLastOpenServerName" will be selected and exported to an html file named "scanEZ-Last_Open_Server.html". ColumnID "NI1" will be sorted in ascending order and then filtered to contain only the entries that begin with "y". All remaining lines will be selected and this data exported to a second html file named " scanEZ-NotesIni_All_Y.html". A new entry named "Test" will then be added to the notes.ini file; it's value will be set to "added". The new resulting notes.ini file will be exported using the file path D:\MyNotes2.ini.

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