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ImportViewInGrid: insert data from a Notes view into any grid

Tag: ImportViewInGrid

ImportViewInGrid allows you to insert the content of any Notes database view or folder into any grid that contains a corresponding set of data.

Detailed Description

When supplied with a pair of keys that joins the content of a Notes view and the content of a grid (eg. user id), ImportViewGrid appends the content of the wanted columns in the Notes view to the grid.

Tag Attributes


Value Description


Server name/org Required


Database path - Required


View name - Required


key column name in the Notes view - Required


key column unique ID in the grid - Required


The corresponding Grid Code.

Sets the target grid panel - Not Required.

If no target is set, the default main grid target will be used.

SetParam attributes


Value Description


Column name in source Notes view


UID of the grid column to be created

NB: “_IMPORTED_" will be added as a prefix to the provided ColumnID.


Title of the grid column to be created

NB: if not supplied, the column title of the Notes view is used

Example Script


    <focus target="tree" category="Documents"/>
    <Values KeepAlive="This">
        <SetParam Field="ALl" value="True"/>
        <ShowTypeColumns value="false"/>

        <Select lines="all"/>
        <ImportViewInGrid target="GridValues" server='TheServer/TheOrg' database='names.nsf' Name='($Users)' ImportKey='$38' GridKeyUID='GridColID'>
            <SetParam Value='ShortName' ColumnID='ShortName' ColumnTitle='IMPORTED SHORTNAME'/>
            <SetParam Value='InternetAddress' ColumnID='Email' ColumnTitle='IMPORTED EMAIL'/>
        <UnSelect lines="all"/>


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