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RemoveAllImportColumns: remove all import columns from grid

Tag: RemoveAllImportColumns

The RemoveAllImportColumns action removes all columns added by any import process and their content from the grid.

Detailed Description

When an Excel/CSV file and a grid can be matched through key columns, eg. an email column in the file and an email column in the grid, each column of the file can be inserted as a column in the grid.

These columns are volatile and disappear when the module containing the grid is closed..

Once inserted, the new grid columns may be processed like any other column (sorting, grouping, export…).

Tag Attributes




The corresponding Grid Code

Example Script

		<Select lines='all'/>
		<ImportExcelInGrid ImportKey='Name' GridKeyUID='userPrincipalName' Filepath='D:\dev\Temp_XML\USERPROJECTS.xlsx'>
            <SetParam Value='Project' ColumnID='ProjectXL'/>
            <SetParam Value='Score' ColumnID='ScoreXL'/>
		do things
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