Set Agent Timeline Options + Copy to Clipboard
Tags: AgentTimeLine + AgentTimeLineCopy
The actions AgentTimeLine + AgentTimeLineCopy, along with applicable SetParam child actions, let you automate the Agent Timeline functions in agentEZ.
Detailed Description:
Use this action in your automation script to emulate the selection of options located in the two dropdown lists in the Agent Timeline panel.
OptionsAction: AgentTimeLine
Field Name | Compatible Field Values | Value Description |
TimeOption |
| Selection options from the 'Time Option' dropdown list |
ShowOption |
| Selection options from the "Show Option' dropdown list |
Example Script
<SetParam Field="TimeOption" Value="Last Month"/>
<SetParam Field="ShowOption" Value="Show scheduled enabled agents only"/>
OptionsAction: AgentTimeLineCopy
Detailed Description:
Use this action in your automation script to emulate the selection of the type of Agent Timeline Copy process you would like to use, as well as the options located in the corresponding dialog.
Tag Attributes
Attributes | Attribute Value | Value Description |
Type | Clipboard File | Uses the process and dialog options found in the 'Agent timeline Clipboard'options Uses the process and dialog options found in the 'Agent timeline Clipboard'options |
SetParam Options
Field Name | Compatible Field Values | Value Description |
AgentName | Name | Name of agent |
AgentTitle | True / False | |
AgentFileName | True / False | |
AgentPath | True / False | |
Filepath | User definable | User defined file path |
Example Script for Type="Clipboard"
<AgentTimeLineCopy Type="Clipboard">
<SetParam Field="AgentName" Value="Name"/>
<SetParam Field="AgentTitle" Value="True"/>
<SetParam Field="AgentFileName" Value="False"/>
<SetParam Field="AgentPath" Value="False"/>
Example Script for Type="File":
<AgentTimeLineCopy Type="File">
<SetParam Field="FilePath" Value="C:\Users\ytria\Desktop\timeline.bmp"/>
<SetParam Field="AgentName" Value="Name"/>
<SetParam Field="AgentTitle" Value="True"/>
<SetParam Field="AgentFileName" Value="True"/>
<SetParam Field="AgentPath" Value="True"/>