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ExportAndCopyPreferences: Set Preferences for Export and Copy

Tag: ExportAndCopyPreferences

The ExportAndCopyPreferences action, along with the applicable SetParam child actions, lets you automate setting the options available in the 'Export & Copy Preferences' dialog found in all FlexyView enabled panels.

Example Script

	<Setparam Field="EXCELUnavailableValueReplacement" Value="EXCELMyUnavailable"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyCheck"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELUnCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyUnchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELHalfCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyHalfchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELClickableBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyEnabled"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELReadOnlyBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyDisabled"/>

These settings are "sticky" and will be recorded to the registry.

The Dialog Tabs






Rich Text

SetParam Options For Each Dialog Tab

Global Tab

AttributeAttribute ValuesValue DescriptionComment
ResetAllClickAffirmation that the Param has been activated.Although the "best practice" would be to enter a value such as "click", this is user definable to any value.

Example Script

	<Setparam Field="ResetAll" Value="Click"/>


AttributeAttribute ValuesValue Description
HTMLUnavailableValueReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
HTMLCheckBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
HTMLUnCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
HTMLClickableBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
HTMLReadOnlyBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted

Example Script

	<Setparam Field="HTMLUnavailableValueReplacement" Value="HTMLMyUnavailable"/>
	<Setparam Field="HTMLCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="HTMLMyCheck"/>
	<Setparam Field="HTMLUnCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="HTMLMyUnchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="HTMLHalfCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="HTMLMyHalfchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="HTMLClickableBoxReplacement" Value="HTMLMyEnabled"/>
	<Setparam Field="HTMLReadOnlyBoxReplacement" Value="HTMLMyDisabled"/>


AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
CSVUnavailableValueReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated -Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVUnCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVHalfCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVClickableBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVReadOnlyBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVAdvancedValueDelimiterUser definable textText to be used as the value delimiter Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVAdvancedDecimalSeparatorUser definable textText to be used as the decimal separator Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVAdvancedLineBreakReplacementUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

CSVAdvancedRowSeparatorUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

CSVAdvancedValueSeparatorUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

CSVAdvancedValueDelimiterReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVAdvancedAddValueDelimiterUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

CSVAdvancedValueDelimiterClipboardUser definable textText to be used as the value delimiter Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVAdvancedDecimalSeparatorClipboardUser definable textText to be used as the decimal separator Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVAdvancedLineBreakReplacementClipboardUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

CSVAdvancedRowSeparatorClipboardUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

CSVAdvancedValueSeparatorClipboardUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

CSVAdvancedValueDelimiterReplacementClipboardUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the value delimiter Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted
CSVAdvancedAddValueDelimiterClipboardUser definable test, exact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index attribute with integer value

N/A Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted (See detailed description)

Detailed Description

The options that contain dropdown menu choices can use the Index attribute to select the option within the dropdown list. When using this attribute, 0 = first dropdown item, 1 = second dropdown item, and so on.

Example Script

	<Setparam Field="CSVUnavailableValueReplacement" Value="CSVMyUnavailable"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="CSVMyCheck"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVUnCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="CSVMyUnchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVHalfCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="CSVMyHalfchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVClickableBoxReplacement" Value="CSVMyEnabled"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVReadOnlyBoxReplacement" Value="CSVMyDisable
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedValueDelimiter" Value="""/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedDecimalSeparator" Value="."/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedLineBreakReplacement" Index="1"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedRowSeparator" Value="[New Line]"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedValueSeparator" Value="[Comma]"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedValueDelimiterReplacement" Value=""""/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedAddValueDelimiter" Index="
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedValueDelimiterClipboard" Value="'"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedDecimalSeparatorClipboard" Value=","/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedLineBreakReplacementClipboard" Value="[Tab]"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedRowSeparatorClipboard" Value="[Line Feed]"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedValueSeparatorClipboard" Value=";"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedValueDelimiterReplacementClipboard" Value="''"/>
	<Setparam Field="CSVAdvancedAddValueDelimiterClipboard" Index="0"/>


AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
EXCELUnavailableValueReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
EXCELCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
EXCELUnCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
EXCELHalfCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
EXCELClickableBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
EXCELReadOnlyBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 

Example Script

	<Setparam Field="EXCELUnavailableValueReplacement" Value="EXCELMyUnavailable"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyCheck"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELUnCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyUnchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELHalfCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyHalfchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELClickableBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyEnabled"/>
	<Setparam Field="EXCELReadOnlyBoxReplacement" Value="EXCELMyDisabled"/>


AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
XMLUnavailableValueReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
XMLCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
XMLUnCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
XMLHalfCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
XMLClickableBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
XMLReadOnlyBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 

Example Script

	<Setparam Field="XMLUnavailableValueReplacement" Value="XMLMyUnavailable"/>
	<Setparam Field="XMLCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="XMLMyCheck"/>
	<Setparam Field="XMLUnCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="XMLMyUnchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="XMLHalfCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="XMLMyHalfchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="XMLClickableBoxReplacement" Value="XMLMyEnabled"/>
	<Setparam Field="XMLReadOnlyBoxReplacement" Value="XMLMyDisabled"/>


AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
RTFUnavailableValueReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
RTFCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
RTFUnCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
RTFHalfCheckedBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
RTFClickableBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 
RTFReadOnlyBoxReplacementUser definable textText to be inserted into the cell as a replacement for the type of grid cell indicated Not Required – current settings will be used if omitted 

Example Script

	<Setparam Field="RTFUnavailableValueReplacement" Value="RTFMyUnavailable"/>
	<Setparam Field="RTFCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="RTFMyCheck"/>
	<Setparam Field="RTFUnCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="RTFMyUnchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="RTFHalfCheckedBoxReplacement" Value="RTFMyHalfchecked"/>
	<Setparam Field="RTFClickableBoxReplacement" Value="RTFMyEnabled"/>
	<Setparam Field="RTFReadOnlyBoxReplacement" Value="RTFMyDisabled"/>

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