Tree: Select by File
Tag: SelectbyFile
The SelectbyFile function selects or unselects tree items according to the content of a CSV or Excel file. The script must first expand and focus on the parent node of the tree section that needs to be matched to the CSV/Excel file content. Changing the tree node titles might also be necessary.
Detailed Description
All parameters can also be set in SetParam children actions.

Tag Attributes
Attributes | Attribute Value | Value Description |
FilePath | N/A | CSV or Excel file with the data to be used for selection in the tree - Required |
HasHeaders | TRUE / FALSE (Defaults to TRUE) | N/A |
FileColumnIndex | N/A | Column index in CSV or Excel file (starts at 0) - Required |
Unselect | TRUE / FALSE (Defaults to FALSE) | N/A |
CaseSensitive | TRUE / FALSE (Defaults to FALSE) | N/A |
StartsWith | TRUE / FALSE (Defaults to FALSE) | N/A |
SelectFirst | TRUE / FALSE (Defaults to FALSE) | N/A |
KeepAlive | TRUE / FALSE (Defaults to FALSE) | N/A |
Example Scripts
<SelectByFile FilePath="D:\Temp\scanEZ-selectTreeFile.csv" FileColumnIndex="2" StartsWith="true"/>
<Load Database="Dev\Team\YtriaAut.nsf" Server="NOTESAPP/YTRIA"/>
<Expand target="tree" category="Documents"/>
<Focus target="tree" category="Documents"/>
<Setparam Field="TitleOptionType" Value="Field"/>
<Setparam Field="FieldAttribute" Value="Value"/>
<Setparam Field="TitleOptionFieldName" Value="Subject"/>
<!--SelectByFile FilePath="D:\Temp\scanEZ-selectTreeFile.csv" HasHeaders="false" FileColumnIndex="2" UnSelect="true" CaseSensitive="true" StartsWith="true" SelectFirst="true"/-->
<SelectByFile FilePath="D:\Temp\scanEZ-selectTreeFile.csv" FileColumnIndex="2" StartsWith="true"/>
<!--Delete Checkbox="true" NoDeletionStubs="true" DeleteResponses="true"/-->