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Improving performance

Improving Performance

There are two ways of searching the design elements of an IBM Notes database: using the NSF Search or the Design Collection Note.
The NSF Search gives more information (Private views, folders and agents) than the Design Collection Note but, as a consequence, takes more time to load.
The following hints allow you to choose between these two searches in cases where you experience less-than-optimal performance when using any Ytria tool with extremely large, complex databases, or when dealing with a slow connection.

TIPIn addition to these options, use the keyboard shortcuts whenever possible. For example, you can use the Spacebar to cancel an operation rather than clicking the Cancel button.

  • In actionBarEZ, designPropEZ, formEZ, signEZ and viewEZ there's a checkbox option on the main screen labeled 'Read Private Design Elements'.
    If you un-check this option it will improve performance because it uses the Design Collection Note.

  • In scanEZ check 'Use Design Collection Note' to improve performance.
    To display this option choose 'Designs' in the selection tree.

  • In databaseEZ this function is found in the Options menu.

  • In agentEZ the same option appears in the Design Collection menu.

TIPWhen you enable or disable the Design Collection, it will be applied to all your Ytria tools after restarting them.
This is set in the notes.ini with the entry YtriaNoDesignCollection. See this page for more information.

Other Ways to Improve Performance

Read Database only when 'Apply' button is Clicked

In agentEZ, aclEZ, databaseEZ and replicationEZ you can tweak the way the tool loads database information by choosing between Read Database Immediately upon Selection and Read Database only when 'Apply' button is Clicked.
Choosing the latter option can make your software considerably more responsive when you're working with a slow or remote connection.

Instead of reloading all databases on every click in the tree (which can take a long time), you can select the databases you want to work with and then click the Apply button.

Automatically Load Detailed Agent Information

To improve performance in agentEZ, make sure the 'Automatically Load Detailed Agent Information' setting in the Options menu is NOT selected.
You can still manually load agent information by selecting items and clicking Ctrl + L.

Partial Load

In databaseEZ, aclEZ, agentEZ and replicationEZ the server is opened in Partial Load mode in cases where your Notes client already has a database open or selected in your Workspace.
In this case, only the selected database will be listed.
In case of slow connection, this mode can be helpful. Therefore take note of this before switching to 'Load Full Contents of Server'.
More information about Partial Load can be found here.

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