The Connection Analyzer Chart panel is used in conjunction with the Connection Analyzer grid to give you a visual representation of information from server connection documents.
How to use the Connection Analyzer Chart
In order to generate a chart, you must first run a connection analyzer scan (Tool > Connection Analyzer); you can run it on any server currently open in the Databases panel.
Once the scan is complete, just select a database row in theConnection Analyzer gridto generate a chart based on its connections.
Options in the Connection Analyzer Chart
The Replication History chart offers the options which follow:
Export Chart: This button allows you to export the displayed chart as a .bmp, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .tiff image file.
Transitions Shown / Hidden: When this button is set toTransitions Hidden, thenPull Pushnodes will not be shown (as in the image below).
Zoom: For a better view or organization, it is possible zoom on the chart from 1% to 1000%.
Colors in the Connection Analyzer Chart
Server Node Colors
This color indicates that this server was selected during the Connection Analyzer scan.
This color indicates when a server is currently loaded in the back-end of the application.
This color indicates that a server is NOT currently loaded in the back-end of the application.
This color indicates that a server is currently loaded in the back-end of the application, but is part of theExcluded Server List.
Transition Arrow Colors
Default color for transition arrows.
This color indicates the main transition (i.e. the transition that represented the line selected in the Connection Analyzer grid).
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