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Retrieve and remove inbox rules


From the Users window, select mailboxes and retrieve their inbox rules by clicking on the ‘Message Rules’ button.

Get Message Rules from selected mailboxes

See selected users' inbox rules and their components including conditions, exceptions and actions.

Due to Microsoft Graph API limitations, rules that are indicated as 'Read-only' will appear empty.


Delete inbox rules

  1. Select a rule or any of its components

  2. Click ‘Delete’ button. The rule and all its components will be marked for deletion.

  3. Review and save.

'Read-only' rules cannot be deleted with Graph API (sapio365).


Show Unused Components

Every available inbox components has a column property in sapio365 even if it’s not set. These null value components are hidden by default.

To see these, click on the ‘Show Unused Components’ button.


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