TheConflict Solverallows you to see all the conflicts in a database (all the documents with $Conflict fields and their parent documents). By comparing the values of each document in the table, you can then select which field values you want to keep and any you want to discard.
How to launch the Conflict Solver
If you'd like to deal with multiple conflicts at once: Launch the Conflict Solver by clicking:Tools > Conflicts Solveror by clicking the(Conflict Solver) button in the toolbar.
If you'd prefer to work on just a single conflict: Select any conflict document in the Selection Tree and click the(Resolve this Conflict) button in the toolbar.
The Resolve this Conflict button () is available whenever a document with a $Conflict field is selected in the scanEZ Selection Tree. It's very handy to use this feature to solve an individual conflict in instances where loading all the conflicts in a database would be a "heavy" operation.
How to use the Conflict Solver
Once the Conflict Solver is open you should see the parent document on the left and any conflicts beside it. To resolve a conflict you simply put a checkbox beside any value you want to keep in the parent document. By default, the parent fields are all automatically selected when you open the conflict solver. You can decide to select the values of the conflict document. In this case, push the "Switch select." button to select the conflict fields.
When you select a value, a colored legend automatically appears showing the future of each field :
Field will remain as it is
Field will be replaced
Field will be erased
Push 'Solve' button to update the parent document and delete all conflict documents. A confirmation dialog will popup with the summary of how many fields will be deleted, copied and replaced. You can decide to continue or cancel the operation from there.
If the conflict document has any response documents, they will be moved to the parent document when you resolve the conflict.
If there is more than one conflict, theConflict Solverdisplays the full list at the top of the window, so you can select any conflicts you want to work on in a pull-down menu and solve them in one fell swoop
To have a better view, you can sort and resize the columns and check the option to show only the fields that contain different values.
If you want to display only the different values between the parent and the conflicts, checkShow only fields with a different values between documentsat the top of theConflict Solverwindow. If we take for example the conflict in the previous screenshot, when this option is checked only the following fields will be displayed :
Use the checkboxes under the anchor columnto exempt certain fields from the'Show only fields with a different values between documents' option. This is a handy way to keep one-or-more fields visible as an informational 'anchors' even when you mostly want to focus on fields with discrepancies,
When a parent has multiple conflicts
Whenever a parent has multiple conflict documents they will will be displayed side by side. You simply choose the fields you want to keep and solve the conflicts.
You can compare fields side by side, just like in theDocument Comparator,by double-clicking a field in theConflict Solver:
You can also print the table of the selected conflict. Here's an example of what the output of thePrintfeature will do :
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