You can easily create and/or delete documents with scanEZ.
Document Creation
It is not required to select the document category in the Selection Tree to add a new document, this can be done from any place in scanEZ.
There are 3 ways to crete a new document :
TheCreate a new Documentbuttonin the toolbar
In the menuDocument > New Document
A dialog box opens in which you enter the form name for the new document.
The new document is instantly created with two fields : $UpdatedBy and Form.
You can create as many additional fields as required. SeeViewing and Editing Datafor more details.
Use the "Compute" function to create all the other fields of your document, according to its form.
Document deletion
To delete one or more documents, select it/them in the Selection Tree and clickDel.or theDeletebuttonfrom the toolbar.
A confirmation window always pops up before deleting the documents. You can also choose to delete all related responses and sub-responses at the same time.
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